흑백영화 (Black and White Movie)

Released in the 3rd album (1993), and remade in 12th album (part 1) last year. The original singer was either 김재기 (Kim Je-Gi) or his brother 김재희 (Kim Jae-Hee). The person who uploaded the video below claims 김재기 to be the singer. The remake in the 12th album was of course sang by 정동하 (Jeong Dong-Ha). This song was both written and composed by 김태원 (Kim Tae Won).

This video is the original version from Boohwal’s 3rd album.


저 아이들의 모습이.. 나에게는 사실
The look of those kids.. for me, actually..
지나버렸지만.. 아쉬운걸까..
it’s in the past… is it a pitty..
공을 주우러 오듯 아이들이 내게로 오면..
if they come to me to pick up the ball..
내가 왔던 지나온 길엔 나무들이 자라있을까..
the trees on the street I used to pass.. would they have grown..
흑백으로 된 영활 보고 싶었어..
I want to watch a black and white movie
가슴 조이며 바라보던..

마치 꿈속같은 모습이기에..
looks just as it was in a dream..
나의 어머니를 닮았어..
looks like my mother..

내가 왔던 지나온 길엔 나무들이 자라있을까..
the trees on the street I used to pass.. would they have grown..

(to be continued…^_^)