부활 3집 [기억상실]

(Loss of Memory)

다림을 누른다는 건 지나간 황을 뛰어넘고자 행하는 처음이다.

Boohwal members: 김태원 (Kim Tae Won), 김재기 (Kim Je Gi)

~[later replaced by 김재희 (Kim Jae Hee) after the former passed away]

The album was released in 1993, 6 years after Boohwal’s first vocalist Lee Seung-Cheol left the band.
The only time Boohwal only had two members. Drummer and Bassist were additional musicians (session).

The album was a big success, the song “The More I Love” made a big hit. Sold out over 100,000 copies.

1. 소나기

2. 흑백영화

3. Loss of Memory

4. 8.1.1.

5. 사랑할수록


7. 흐린 비가 내리며는

8. 그리움 그리운 그림

2 Responses to “부활 3집 [기억상실]”

  1. [Boohwal Album] Live & Unplugged « BooHwal ~ Born Again: Korea's Legendary Musicians Says:

    […] is one of Boohwal’s best. First released in Boohwal’s 3rd album in 1993, “Loss of Memory” (기억상실), this song has been inserted into at least […]

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