회상 (Reminiscence)

회상 (Reminiscence) is a ‘trilogy’ song, you can expect for my review on the following 회상 II and 회상 III to come. All three came out in Boohwal’s second album in 1987, automatically making Lee Seung-Cheol the original vocal.
I’ve always known about 회상 III, in fact it was the first song to draw me into the band, but I’ve only known about 회상 I last May in Boohwal’s concert. Jeong Dong-Ha’s version was very, very, impressive, and touched deep. Too bad there’s no video for it..
The song was inserted in 4 albums:
  • 2nd Album [Remember] ~ released 1987
  • The Best of Born Again ~ released 1989
  • 부활 베스트 이솝의 붓 ~ released 1996
  • 5th Album [불의 발견] ~ released 1997
In an album, only 2 of Boohwal’s former vocalists sung this song. The first two was Lee Seung-Cheol, and the last two was Park Wan-Gyu. You can find the videos and the lyrics plus translation below 🙂
회상 in the 2nd Album (Remember) – Vocal: Lee Seung-Cheol
오랜 그 옛날 하늘 파랄때 엄마 되고픈 그 하얀 아이
long time ago, when the sky was blue, that pale child who wanted to become a mother
인형 머리 매만지던 커다란 눈망울과 그 조그만 손
smoothing the doll’s hair, big eyes, those tiny hands
그땐 땅이 초록이었고 냇물이 진한 노랑이었지
that time, the land was green, the stream was thick yellow
하늘아 땅아 그땔 아니 냇물아 나의 아이야
Oh sky, oh land, not that time, oh stream. my children
저녁 노을이 슬픔 주는듯 하얀 아인 멀리 가 버리고
reddening sky in the sunset, as if giving sadness, the pale child went far away
홀로 남은 인형만이 내 기억속에 남아있네
a doll left alone, only left in my memories
하늘아 땅아 그땔 아니 냇물아 나의 아이야
Oh sky, oh land, not that time, oh stream, my children
그 파란하늘아 초록빛 땅아 그땔 아니
Oh that blue sky, oh green land, not that time
냇물아 나의 아이야
Oh stream, my child
그 파란 하늘아 초록빛 땅아 그땔 아니
Oh that blue sky, oh green land, not that time
냇물아 나의 아이야
Oh stream, my child
회상 in the 5th Album (불의 발견) – Vocal: Park Wan-Gyu
I still couldn’t find a good video for this song with Jeong Dong-Ha as vocalist (which is my fav version), but! I managed to to find a great audio for it!  So, despite the darkness on the screen, enjoy “Reminiscence I” (Hoisang), performed by Boohwal in 2009.
회상 – Boohwal’s Live Performance on OBS for their 25th Anniversary, 2009 – Vocal: Jeong Dong-Ha